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Community Guidelines

Welcome to Job Honesty. By using the site, you agree to follow our community guidelines and rules. We encourage open discussions however to enable all our users to enjoy the site you must follow our community guidelines and rules which are set out to ensure safety, diversity, inclusion, and authenticity of our thriving community.

Our community guidelines and rules define a set of norms and common code of conduct for Job Honesty which apply to everyone using the site; they provide guidance on conduct that is and isn’t allowed on site to ensure our community is a welcoming space for everyone. Our community guidelines and rules apply to everyone and to everything on Job Honesty. We proactively enforce these guidelines and rules however we also encourage users to use the tools we provide on Job Honesty to report any content you believe breaks our community guidelines and rules.

We, at Job Honesty, reserve the right to remove any content that breaks our community guidelines and rules. Please be respectful when using this forum to speak to community staff. Any form of abusive language or rudeness will not be tolerated.

While we encourage anonymous posting, we may suspend or ban accounts that are involved in severe or repeated behaviour that breaks our community guidelines and rules. Ignoring requests from the community staff will also result in a ban. Please refrain from creating further accounts, these will be banned. If you would like to discuss your ban please contact us on the “Contact Us” page. If necessary, we will report accounts that are seen to be breaking the law to the relevant legal authorities despite encouraging anonymous posting. No one is above the law.

In addition to posts on the public forum, our community guidelines and rules also apply to all other content included on this site, including but not exhaustive – avatars, signatures and personal reputation comments, any private messages and visitor messages.

We will continue to update our community guidelines and rules from time to time to evolve alongside new behaviours and risks, and as part of our commitment to keeping Job Honesty a safe space for our users. It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of current guidelines and rules.

Rule 1

Treat others with respect, irrespective of their dilemmas. Job Honesty is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Job Honesty free of bullying and harassment, and threats of violence.  Any users, groups of users or communities that incite violence or that promote hate based on vulnerability or identity will be banned and reported to the relevant legal authorities despite encouraging anonymous posting.

Rule 2

Abide by community rules. Post authentic content into communities where you have a personal interest, and do not cheat or engage in content manipulation (including spamming, ban evasion, subscriber fraud or otherwise interfere with or disrupt Job Honesty communities.

Rule 3

Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information is not allowed. We are not above the law. So, if we are asked to share your personal data to the relevant authorities for investigation, we will do so despite encouraging anonymous posting. Remember, what you post on the internet will leave a permanent footprint of you, potentially impacting your reputation and future. We take no responsibility of the content you post and have no responsibility of removing it should you change your mind later.

Rule 4

Do not share or encourage the sharing of sexual, abusive or suggestive content involving minors and non-minors. Any predatory or inappropriate behaviour involving a minor is also strictly prohibited.

Rule 5

As we encourage anonymity whereby you don’t have to use your real name, do not impersonate an individual or entity in a misleading or deceptive manner.

Rule 6

Share your insights, thoughts and experiences to other community users in a respectful, thoughtful and honest manner. We are all in it together facing common job dilemmas irrespective of our line of work.

Rule 7

Keep it legal, do not post illegal content, solicit or facilitate illegal or prohibited transactions. If you want to advertise your services, please choose other well known platforms for that. Job Honesty is not the place.

Rule 8

Whilst we encourage our users to engage in friendly and respectful conversations on the site, we do not permit misinformation that causes harm to individuals, our community, or the larger public regardless of intent. Do not state opinions as facts and please ensure reputable sources are used on Job Honesty or content will be removed. Misinformation is defined as content that is inaccurate or false.

Rule 9

Don’t break the Job Honesty site or do anything that interferes with the normal use of Job Honesty.     

Final note

These rules, in addition to our current Terms & Conditions, constitute the understanding between you and us as to your use of Job Honesty, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings.