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    • #13825
      Wannabe accountant
      United Kingdom

        I’m in my final year of uni doing an economics degree. On track for a 2:1 but think I can push for a 1st. I’m debating whether I go for a masters straight after or apply for an accountancy graduate role.

        I’m so conflicted between the 2 I’m really not sure what I should do. I don’t even know what accountancy roles I can do or which companies to apply. Help pls

      • #13961
        CPA pro
        United States

          If you’re definitely going for an accountancy role and want to do your professional cert like CPA (I’m in the US) the go straight into a job. You’ll be earning money and your employer will pay for your professional cert. I think it’s CA in the UK.

          Don’t wrack up those student loans. Make dough bro 🤑

        • #14234
          United Kingdom

            Hey wannabe accountant, what the cpa person says…a masters in the UK doesn’t have that much weighting as a degree. And even then tbh you can join an apprenticeship and get your acca or aca or CA to become a charted accountant. You’ve also got CIMA to be a management accountant but this doesn’t give you the same big salary options like the others, like if you want to make partner and make bank.

            Check out mid tier firms and the big 4. Worth getting this experience on your CV

          • #14246
            United Kingdom

              There are many accountancy specialisms you can explore. If you’re unsure, try applying for a smaller/mid-tier accountancy firm role as you’ll get exposure to different areas early on compared to applying to a big 4 firm where you’ll be asked to choose a specialism from the outset.

              As for going for a masters, it really depends on what your rationale is. If it’s to improve your undergraduate grade then it makes sense to do so. Otherwise, doing a professional qualification makes more sense if you’re certain about going into an accountancy role. Employers tend to pay for these qualifications.

              All the best!

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