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How to deal with homophobia at work

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If you’re facing homophobia at work, we’re so sorry to understand you’re going this. 


Discrimination in the workplace is NEVER acceptable, and when it comes to homophobia, it’s essential to address it promptly and effectively. If you find yourself facing homophobic behaviours at work from others and are wondering how to deal with homophobia at work, here are some supportive, informative, and advisory steps to consider:

1. Speak up about your views

When confronted with homophobic opinions, don’t remain silent. Express your own perspective on acceptance and inclusivity in a calm manner. Remind your boss that everyone deserves respect, regardless of their sexual orientation. You might say, “I believe people should be free to love whomever they choose, without judgment.” If you have a close relationship with your boss, consider having a private conversation to set clear expectations for respectful behaviour. 

2. Talk to your supervisor

Your immediate boss should be aware of any homophobic behaviour you experience. Arrange a conversation with them, providing details about the perpetrator. Request that they address the issue promptly. Sometimes, a simple intervention from your supervisor can lead to positive change.

3. Document incidents

Keep a record of any homophobic incidents. Note dates, times, and details. This documentation will be crucial if you need to escalate the matter further. If you have any witnesses, make sure you note their names and anything in email that’s discriminatory should be stored safely.

4. Know your rights and company policies

Familiarize yourself with your workplace rights and your company’s policies regarding discrimination. If your workplace has an LGBTQ+ group, connect with them for guidance.

5. Make a formal report with HR or management

If the situation persists, consider filing a formal complaint. Be sure to reference any documentation you’ve made on incidents, from step 3. Speak to your human resources manager or your boss about your experiences. A formal report ensures that your concerns are documented and taken seriously. Remember, you have the right to a safe and respectful work environment.

6. Discuss and agree a way forward

Depending on your circumstances, you may choose to negotiate with your employer or settle the matter. Negotiation involves finding common ground and seeking an agreement. Settling means resolving the issue amicably without formal proceedings. Consider what approach aligns best with your needs and goals. This will be determined by the country you live in, the laws and company policy.

7. Explore legal options

Consult legal professionals specializing in workplace discrimination. They can guide you on potential legal avenues, such as filing a complaint with relevant authorities or seeking legal representation.


Remember, advocating for change benefits not only you but also future LGBTQ+ employees. Your courage can pave the way for a more accepting workplace for all in the industry and country you work in.

8. Educate others

It may be the last thing on your mind but, you can use this experience as an opportunity to educate your colleagues and superiors. Organize workshops or discussions on LGBTQ+ awareness. By fostering understanding, you contribute to a more inclusive workplace.

9. Seek support from friends

Homophobic comments can hurt, and it’s normal to feel upset. Reach out to friends who can provide emotional support. Talking about your feelings with trusted individuals can help you cope with the impact of someone else’s ignorance.


Facing homophobia at work can be challenging, but remember that you’re not alone. Seek support, know your rights, and take action to create a workplace where everyone feels accepted and valued. Together, we can foster an environment of understanding and respect.


If you wish to discuss your specific scenario and seek guidance from others anonymously, please do post in the Job Honesty forum by clicking on the below button.


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