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Privacy Policy

1 Introduction

Welcome to the Job Honesty privacy policy.

1.1 Scope and aim

This notice applies to data processed in connection with This is referred to as “website” in the rest of this page.

Job Honesty respects your privacy. We are committed to protecting your personal data when you use our website. This privacy policy will inform you how we look after your personal data. It will tell you about your rights. It will also say how UK data protection law protects you.

The best way to contact us is via our Contact Us page. 

1.2 Updates to this notice and your data

The privacy notice was last updated on: 30/12/2023.

Job Honesty may update this privacy notice at any time. We do this to ensure it is correct and a true reflection of how Job Honesty process your personal data.

We encourage you to regularly check this page for any changes. This helps you to stay informed about how we are using and protecting your personal data.

It is also important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. We may ask you to confirm or update your data when you use our website and services.

Please also keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. You can do this through your account with us or by getting in touch.

1.3 Third-party links

Our website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you.

We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy notices. When you leave our websites, we encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit.

2 Data collection and data uses

2.1 The data we collect about you

Personal data means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified.

It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

Processing personal data may involve its collection, use, storage and transfer.

We process different kinds of personal data about you. We have grouped the data into these categories:

  • Identity Data: e.g. username, first name and last name.
  • Contact Data: e.g. email address.
  • Technical Data: e.g. internet protocol (“IP”) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone settings and the devices you use.
  • Geographic Data: e.g. locations worked out from your IP address and location data you provide and country of residence.
  • Profile Data: e.g. your username and password, content you create, feedback and survey responses.
  • Usage Data: e.g. how, when and which parts of our website and services you use.
  • Marketing and Communications Data: e.g. marketing preferences and interactions with the emails we send you.

2.1.1 Aggregated Data

We also collect, use and share aggregated data.

Aggregated data may be worked out from your personal data. It is not considered personal data in law. This is because it can no longer identify you.

For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature.

We may combine Aggregated Data with your personal data. This may mean it can directly or indirectly identify you. If it does identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data.

2.1.2 Special category personal data

Special Categories of Personal Data include details about:

  • your race or ethnicity,
  • religious or philosophical beliefs,
  • sexual orientation,
  • information about your health

We do not routinely process this data about you. 

However, in using our website, members may choose to make content which contains special categories of data. Members may also choose to publicly share this data on our website. Doing this is optional, for example, when writing and submitting a post in our forums.

2.2 How we collect your data

We use different methods to collect data from and about you including:

2.2.1 Direct interactions

By filling in forms on our websites, you may give us your data in these categories:

  • Identity,
  • Contact,
  • Profile,
  • Geographic,
  • Marketing and Communications; and
  • Education

This includes personal data you provide when you:

  • use our website,
  • create an account on our website,
  • update an account on our website,
  • request marketing to be sent to you,
  • enter a competition or promotion,
  • take part in a survey or market research or
  • give us feedback.

2.2.2 Automated technologies or interactions

As you use our website, we may automatically collect Technical and Usage Data.

This can include data about your equipment, browsing actions and usage patterns. We collect this personal data by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies.

2.2.3 Third parties. We may receive personal data about you from third parties, including:

  • Technical Data from analytics providers: e.g. Google and data management platforms.
  • Identity, Contact and Profile Data when you choose to register on our site via Facebook, Google or other third-party log-in providers
  • Geographic data worked out from your IP address: e.g. from geo-identification services.

2.3 How we use your data

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • Where we need to enter into a contract with you or have already entered into a contract with you.
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party or yourself) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

2.3.1 Legal bases

Consent – sometimes, we may rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data. When we do, we will ask you to give your consent. Doing so will always be optional. 

For example, we may ask for consent for sending seasonal marketing communications to you via email or text message.

We will also ask for your consent if you complete a form to make an enquiry to a university or book on to an open day to allow us to share your personal data with a specific university.

When we rely on consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time by contacting us.

Legitimate Interest means the interest of our business in conducting and managing our business to enable us to give you the best service/product and the best and most secure experience. We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process your personal data for our legitimate interests.

We do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law). You can obtain further information about how we assess our legitimate interests against any potential impact on you in respect of specific activities by contacting us.

Performance of Contract means processing your data where it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract.

Comply with a legal or regulatory obligation means processing your personal data where it is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation that we are subject to.

2.3.2 Electronic communications and personalisation of content

We may use your Identity, Contact, Technical, Usage and Profile Data to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which content, products, services and offers may be relevant for you.

When we do this with the content you see on our websites, we call this personalisation. When we do this with email, we call these marketing communications.

Receiving these marketing communications from us is part of being a member of our website. You will receive them to the email address you gave us when you became a member of our website. If you have opted out of receiving some or all marketing communications from us, you will not receive them.

2.3.3 Third-party marketing and advertising

We will get your explicit opt-in consent before we share your personal data with any company or organisation outside Job Honesty for marketing purposes.

For third party marketing and advertising, we gain consent via the privacy message we show you when you first visit our website.

2.3.4 Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They help improve your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and providing personalized content.

You can set your browser to refuse some or all browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of our websites may become inaccessible or not function properly. 

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They enable basic features like page navigation and access to secure areas of the site.
  • Analytics Cookies: We use analytics tools (such as Google Analytics) to collect information about how visitors use our website. This helps us improve our content and user experience.
  • Advertising Cookies: Google AdSense uses advertising cookies. An advertising cookie is placed on a user’s device when they click on an ad on a partner’s website. These cookies allow us to display relevant ads and track ad performance.

 Types of cookies we use:

  • Session Cookies: These cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser.
  • Persistent Cookies: These cookies remain on your device for a specified period or until you delete them. 

By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in this policy. We make commercially reasonable efforts to obtain your consent for placing and accessing cookies on your device.

We may update this Cookies Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted here, so please review this page periodically.

2.3.5 Other uses of your personal data

Your personal data will not be used for any other purpose without your explicit consent, unless permitted or required by law.

2.4 Change of purpose

We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless:

  • we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason; and
  • that reason is compatible with the original purpose.

If we need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

You can contact us if you wish to get an explanation about how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact us.

Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law. The processing will remain in compliance with the above rules.

3 International transfers

Your personal data will normally remain inside the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA). Sometimes we may need to transfer your data to other places. If we do, will always ensure appropriate safeguards are in place. Section 4 includes details of any international transfers.

4 Sharing your data

We will not share any of your personal data without your consent, except in the circumstances listed below.

4.1  Third-party data processors

We may use third-party data processors to conduct specific activities. We will ensure contracts are in place with all third-party processors. The contacts will contain all the clauses required by data protection law. Our current categories of data processors are:

Email service providers

Survey and quiz tools

Data and analytics service providers

Website maintenance tools and I.T. and development services

Hosting service providers 

Ad serving providers

Personalisation tools

Geo-identification service

Professional advisors

4.2  Sub-contractors

Job Honesty may use a sub-contractor to conduct specific tasks. If this includes the processing of personal data, the sub-contractor is treated the same as other staff at Job Honesty. This ensures the same legal requirements are in place to protect your personal data. 

4.3  Regulators or other authorities

Sometimes, official regulators or authorities may legally require information about our data processing. This will rarely require us to share personal data. If we need to share personal data, we will only ever share the minimum data the law requires us to share.

4.4  Limitations on additional sharing

If we need to share your personal data with any other third party, you will be told in advance. This will usually be at the time we collect the data. An example would be a survey or research where the personal data would be shared with a third party involved with the research. In these cases, we will explain what personal data will be shared and why. You will have the option to refuse to share your personal data.

5 Data security

We have put in place appropriate technical and organisational security measures. This is to prevent misuse of your data, including:

  • your data being lost or changed
  • your data being seen by someone who should not have access
  • your data being used in ways not listed here

Only people at Job Honesty and third parties who have a need to use your data will have access to it. They will only process your personal data on the instruction of Job Honesty. They will also be subject to a duty of confidence.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach. This includes processes to notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are required to do so.

6 Data retention

We will only keep your personal data for as long as we need to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. This includes meeting all legal, accounting, and reporting requirements.

To decide how long we keep personal data, we look at:

  • the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data,
  • the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data,
  • the purposes for which we process your personal data,
  • whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and
  • the applicable legal requirements.

Sometimes, we may aggregate or anonymise your personal data. This means the data can no longer be associated with you. In these situations, the data is no longer personal data. We can keep using this data and do not need to delete it.

There are two exceptions to the above rules:

  1. You request the deletion of all your personal data (see Your legal rights below for further information)
  2. There is another legal basis for keeping any of the data for longer, for example, the establishment or defence of a legal claim

7 Children’s Information

In the UK a child is defined as being over the age of 13 for data protection laws. Our websites are not aimed at people below the age of 16. Most products and services are aimed at people aged 16 and above. People aged under 16 are unable to register to become a member of our website.

We therefore do not knowingly process the personal data of any children.

This privacy notice has also been reviewed to ensure people aged 16 or above can understand it.

8 Your legal rights

Under certain circumstances, you have rights about your personal data under UK law.

No fee usually required: you will not usually have to pay a fee to exercise these rights. However, if a request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive, we may decide to charge a reasonable to fee before proceeding.

Time limit to respond: we will usually respond within 30 days unless the request is particularly complex. In this case, we will notify you to keep you updated.

What we may need from you: when using these rights, we may also request more information from you. This will be to confirm your identity and to ensure the security of personal data.

  • Informed: you have the right to be informed about what personal data is processed, what it is used for, why we are processing it, who is processing it and your legal rights. This privacy notice is our way of informing you of this. We may also inform you at other times, such as when collecting data from you.
  • Consent: where we rely on your explicit consent as the legal basis for processing your data. You have the right to withdraw that consent at any time and object to us processing your data.
  • Access: you have a right to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you at any time. This is also known as a data subject access request.
  • Correction: you have the right to request we correct any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you. We may need to confirm any changes to data you request are correct.
  • Erasure: you have the right to request we delete any personal data we hold about you. Sometimes this might not be possible, e.g. if we are required by law to keep certain records, in which case we will tell at the time of your request.
  • Objection to processing: in some situations you have the right to object to the processing. For example, where we are relying on legitimate interests to process personal data or where we are using your data for direct marketing. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue to process your data which override your rights and freedoms.
  • Restriction of processing: you have the right to request we stop processing your data if:
    • You want us to establish the data’s accuracy
    • Where our use of the data is unlawful, but you don’t want us to delete it
    • Where you need us to hold the data, even if we no longer require it, as you need to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim
    • You have objected to our use of your data, but we need to verify overriding legitimate grounds.
  • Data portability: you have the right to receive a copy of the personal data you have provided us, should you wish to transfer it to another data controller. The data we provide should be in a structured machine-readable format.
  • Withdraw consent: at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.

Please contact us via our Contact Us page if you have any questions.